Wk 2 — Activity — Virtual: Worlds

Duy Lam
3 min readSep 7, 2020
Entering the virtual world of GTA V
First person I met killed me with a tank
I met my enemy face to face
My enemy turned out to be a nice person and let me on a joy ride in their tank
Me with the tank
  1. A physical place, such as school, is different from zoom U because there is no place to meet future friends and have a one-on-one conversation with them unless you are chatting privately. However, zoom U does give a sense of presences like you are actually in the class by the use of cameras.
  2. GTA V unlike instagram or facebook is just a virtual world in a game where the characters you make can resemble anything you want. Instagram and facebook is a platform to post pictures or videos about yourself, whereas in GTA V or any virtual world games you can’t show or given any personal information like how you look or your age.
  3. GTA V is a game that is supposed to resemble the city of Los Angles called Los Santos, however, it is still a lot different than in real life. In this virtual world, your character is able to drive around and since this is online, you can meet new people. As you can see in my experience, this game has a lot of killing as the main interaction and text to talk to one another. Unlike the real schools or university, people don’t tend to kill each other right off the bat. Although, like real school, you can meet many types of people all over the world and possibly make some friends by adding each other through the game.
  4. The idea of place has shown me that these games that I have been playing for a year or so does somewhat represent a physical place. Thats why I had been playing it so much of it during this pandemic. I could meet people like in real life just by sitting and playing these types of games at home.
  5. MMORPG in the name are games where you are role-playing as a character inside the game just like how in GTA V, the game pushes players to become robbers in order to obtain lots of money. This is not anything like facebook or instagram where people post pictures and videos to share more of a personal life with friends and family.
  6. I believe that real life is still to some degree not similar to MMORPG just in the role-playing aspect. However, there are similarities between real life and these types of games as they are based off of real life. If I were to say that real life is the middle ground between platforms like instagram and facebook and MMORPG’s.

